yoann stoeckel

Portrait, automotive, lifestyle & travel photographer

IG: @yoann.stoeckel

Clients: The New York Times, Red Bull, Ford, McDonalds, Nespresso, Aston Martin, French GQ Magazine, Glamour Magazine, AirFrance Magazine, Monocle

Yoann Stoeckel réunit le cinéma et la photographie dans son travail. Diplômé de l'ENS Louis Lumière à Paris, il est un passionné de cinéma et cet amour de l'image en mouvement imprègne chaque aspect de sa photographie. Yoann aime partager son temps entre son travail commercial à Paris et le travail éditorial, de presse et de recherche personnelle qu'il entreprend lors de ses voyages à l'étranger.

Yoann Stoeckel brings cinema and photography together in his work. Graduate of the ENS Louis Lumière in Paris, he is an avid movie-goer and this love of the moving image permeates every aspect of his photography. Yoann enjoys splitting his time between his commercial work in Paris and the editorial, press, and personal research work he undertakes on his travels abroad.